
Membership is open to all Lexington residents. Many residing near the courts are members, as are residents across town. To apply for membership, please write us at:

We limit membership to about 60 households to minimize contention for the courts. Once we hit the limit, we start a waiting list, which we prioritize by distance from your home to the courts. The closer you live, the sooner you’ll get a spot. But no need to worry… spots open up every year!

There are two types of members: Summer Members and Proprietary Members. Everyone has equal access to the court. The difference is in responsibilities and fees.

As a Summer Member, your household gets a key to the front gate and it’s like having your own private court! You’re expected to treat the courts as your own, respect other players, and clean up when you’re done. The annual fee is $250/year per family.

As a Proprietary Member, you have the same privileges as Summer Members, but more responsibility. There are 4 roles that must be filled in order to run the club, from President to Groundskeeper, so we take 2-year turns with these roles. In exchange for this responsibility, the fee is somewhat reduced. Serving as a PM can be a satisfying way to make civic contributions and closer connections with neighbors.